Welcome to OR Property Management
We noticed that Property Owners expect top quality and excellent service and always were looking for a Property Management company who could exceed their expectations, OR Property Management with over 12 years of experience in Los Cabos Property Management industry, 17 years living in the area and with a construction and customer service background and a detail oriented personality We offer personalized and prompt response in the management of your property.

As we all know owning a second home or vacation home is very
demanding and if you do not know of small details fast enough
they can became big and/or if not done properly can be a
headache. A reliable person to assist you with this is a must,
in order to be available for whatever is needed. OR Property
Management offers, besides the regular schedule visits, 24/7
attention on emergency calls.
We are always there for you and your guests. Visits will be
schedule depending on you and your property needs to make sure
is secure and properly maintained. Our housekeeping team will
have your property cleaned and detailed for you and your guests.